How to use Coin Control


Coin Control let's you chose which blocks of coins to use as "inputs"

There are times when you can not simply send a large amount (or even a small amount) of coins,
and can cause an error, or just crash the wallet.


When you successfully stake a block of coins, the block is split into two blocks.

1 splits = 2
2 splits = 4
4 splits = 8
500 splits = 1000
1000 splits = 2000
2000 splits = 4000
Most older QT wallets, like windows or mac, can only send about 65 blocks

This can cause several issues, like causing sluggish response, errors/crashes when trying to send coins,
and even loss of stake rewards.
Eventually, the blocks will become so small, the stake reward will be 0 (there are only 8 decimal places)
So you will want to recombine them to larger blocks (or just one block)
To do that, you select the small blocks, and send them to yourself (your receive address) so it becomes 1 block.


Coin control is located on the "send coins" tab
You should see a "Coin Control" button
- if you don't see the inputs button, you need to change the settings to show it.
- click settings, options - then the Display tab. Check the box to Display coin control features.

On the Send coins tab, click the Inputs button.
A new form will open.
Now you can see how many blocks of coins you have in your wallet. ->
this wallet has 4,317 blocks of coins
This wallet is going to take a few hours to "dust" (combine small blocks)


The Next Step

left click on your adress and select "copy address".
now close the coin control dialog box, and paste your address in the "Pay to" box

also check the box for "custom change address" - then paste your address in there also.


Click the "Inputs" button again to open the coin control dialog again.


See the > next to the checkbox?
click it to expand the list and show you all the different blocks

The LONG Step

this is where all the long, hard work is done.

now you can select the blocks you want to combine by licking the check boxes.

hint: you can click on the amount
( the 1200.00 in this example)
and press the space bar to check the box.
then you can press the down arrow on your keyboard to go to the next line down.
space bar
down arrow
space bar
down arrow ....

select up to 65 "inputs"
if you go much over that, the wallet might crash.








Once you have made your selections, click OK in the lower left corner of the coin control dialog box.

DO NOT click in the top box next to  the total
(4317 in this example)

Your send page should look like this after you put the amount to send in the "Amount" box

When you send this transaction, the amount in the "Amount" box will go to the address you put in "pay To"
and the change (left over coins) will go to the address in the "custom change address"

if you have a lot of coin blocks, this will take some time to finish.
please wait until the top part of the page clears.
it will look like this when it is finished, and ready for the next transaction

you should be able to paste your address in the "Pay To" box,
open the coin control dialog again by clicking Inputs,
and select more coin blocks

repeat until done.